Brandon is babysitting Ryan's dog Gunter for the week. Koda and Gunter get along great, they like running around and playing. Luckily Gunter does not eat koda for lunch!


Bekah Robinson said...

I hate toby. He just makes the pontiac so furry. Gunter is a putts as well. He lets koda have a bigger bone that him? What kind of big dog is that?

Jenny said...

I am not as hot as you! I hope all is well I need your address please!

Carrie said...

Amy!!! I don't know if you remember me but I love your face!! :) This is Carrie Welch from high school. Congrats on everything it looks like things are going really well for you! I love these blogs it is so fun to see what everyone is up to! check my blog out

Brandon and Amy

Brandon and Amy
Brandon and I will be married TWO years this April. Brandon is currently working and going to school; he is studying Chemestry and will be graduating with his associates this spring. I am currently working at Valley Glass as a receptionist and really miss being home with Paxton.

Paxton Aaron Price

Paxton Aaron Price
Paxton was born October 27, 2009. He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces and was 21 inches long. Our little guy is getting so big so fast and we love being parents.

Flying Koda

Flying Koda

Koda's Toe Nails

Koda's Toe Nails
I colored koda's toe nails with markers!

Logan Temple

Logan Temple


I miss you!!!!