Here is Paxton is his lovely BUMBO Grammy gave him. He is so cute, still too young for it, but I think he will really enjoy it once he can hold his head up better. Brandon was working late and we didn't have anything to do so we tried out his bumbo and some books. He loved looking at the books, but I think it was just the turning of the pages he liked. LOL He is truly my heart and I love him!!!!


Pete and Alison said...

I love the Bumbo! I think it helped Henry sit up faster. Also it's great to feed them cereal when it's time! It's so portable too!

Alissa said...

I so wish I had a bumbo. I used a friend's a couple of times and LOVE IT. He looks adorable in there..

Brandon and Amy

Brandon and Amy
Brandon and I will be married TWO years this April. Brandon is currently working and going to school; he is studying Chemestry and will be graduating with his associates this spring. I am currently working at Valley Glass as a receptionist and really miss being home with Paxton.

Paxton Aaron Price

Paxton Aaron Price
Paxton was born October 27, 2009. He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces and was 21 inches long. Our little guy is getting so big so fast and we love being parents.

Flying Koda

Flying Koda

Koda's Toe Nails

Koda's Toe Nails
I colored koda's toe nails with markers!

Logan Temple

Logan Temple


I miss you!!!!