I am so SUPER excited for Twilight, it comes out tonight at midnight! I HAVE TICKETS! I'm going with Krista(who got me a ticket THANX!!), Mandy, Larry, Nicole, and Mum Price. I can not wait for tonight, it going to be a hard day tomorrow, we all have to get up and work. LOL its worth it!


DeAnna said...

Have fun! Jason is taking me on Saturday night (poor man, but a total sweetheart). You'll have to post a review.

Bekah Robinson said...

Amy I wish you the best of luck at work tomorrow. And please tell me if it was a horrible movie. Ok? Have fun man, I'll be visiting teaching tonight so I'll be thinking about how much fun you'll be having while I'm talking to strangers. Peace Easy.

Kate and Peter Lowe said...

How did you like it? We saw it and I loved it... SO not as good as the book but I still enjoyed it! We are doing a birthday party for Cooper on Sunday December 7, 2008 if you guys can come. We'll prob do it around 7 or so, just a heads up! :)

Brandon and Amy

Brandon and Amy
Brandon and I will be married TWO years this April. Brandon is currently working and going to school; he is studying Chemestry and will be graduating with his associates this spring. I am currently working at Valley Glass as a receptionist and really miss being home with Paxton.

Paxton Aaron Price

Paxton Aaron Price
Paxton was born October 27, 2009. He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces and was 21 inches long. Our little guy is getting so big so fast and we love being parents.

Flying Koda

Flying Koda

Koda's Toe Nails

Koda's Toe Nails
I colored koda's toe nails with markers!

Logan Temple

Logan Temple


I miss you!!!!